This is the most special Festivity in our school.
Everybody takes part in it: children, parents, lunch monitors team and teachers.
It implies a lot of work, we take care of every single detail; but, we look forward it and enjoy the Festivity together.
Every year it is dedicated to a different theme.
This year we decided to join both Comenius Project topics, so it is about GAUDÍ.
Yesterday it was raining, we were afraid we couldn't celebrate the Carnival Festivity... but; luckily, the sun appeared today!
The school and the playground have changed, also disguised: the columns and benches covered with varied brittles.
From the start of the morning everybody was dressing up.
6th level children are the main characthers of the show, they are longing for this day. They are Bufons (King Carnival assistants) or Velles Quaresmes (Witches, they represent Lent, days after Carnival) They are maked up, dressed up, they put the stilts or the skates on, happily waiting to start the show.
5th level children were practising with their drums different rhythms to cheer up the show and the Carnival parade.
All the children in the school were dressing up with the help of some parents and their teachers.
We met in the playground about eleven in the morning.
The rhythms of the drummers started the Pasarel·la Gaudí (Gaudí show).
This year Tily, our Comenius Project mascot, opened the show; with 5 Bufons wavyng the flags of our countries. All the children received them singing the "Tily song".
Some tourists were looking for taxis to visit Gaudí's works, then appeared P5 children (taxis) dancing around the monuments they made. Then, brittles (P3 children) danced on the red carpet. After, stained windows (P4 children) filled with colour and rhythm the parade.
Benches or snakes from Park Güell (1st level children) twisted on the red carped.
As the colours from Batlló house flooded everywhere while the public was clapping enthusiastically.
3rd level children have built Sagrada Familia temple, moving everybody. After, the sun medallions from Park Güell (4th level children) radiated with rhythm along the red carpet.
After the parade, where are the designers of this art works? Gaudinian teachers, happily danced, greeted and laughed through the red carpet. Then, came the lunch monitors team; dressed as la Pedrera chimneys' and finally the stage was filled with tourists (mothers and fathers) very similar to those who visit Barcelona.
Finally, the Bufons appeared!! Colour and happiness everywhere... But then, the Witches came: darkness and sadness all over. The leaders of each group start a dialectic battle: the Witches say that we are loosing time doing nonsenses, and order us to go back to classrooms. The Bufons cheer us up to have fun. People shouts: Witches out!! When King Carnival appears smartly dressed jumping on his stilts and waving his big red flag everybody cries: Hurray!!!
He is very funny, makes us laugh and encourages all to participate in the parade through the town streets. So, everybody goes walking and dancing happily.
It has been fastastic!! Intense feelings as every year.