Springtime in our Forest with Tily and Steini
Beautiful bark of the sycamore tree!
In a "Blind Chain" we are strolling through the high grass.
Picknick at the playground with Tily and Steini
Tiny ants at work
Katrin and Manuela watch ants at work.
Ants are capable of carrying more than their own weight!
Our kids aren't afraid of spiders!
Snails carry their houses always with them. Davids hand shows a slimy track.
Manuela observes a spider sitting in a bowl under a magnifying glass.
On Georg's hand a grasshopper is sitting (but not very long!)!
Tily and Steini sitting between "Stone-Roses", which smell very nice.
Strawberries blossoming!
Thank you for that interesting excursion into our forest, Petra!
In summer we will have a look to the changes since!
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